I have too many products to list,it will take me too much time,So I’m going to be at 12 o’clock tomorrow night, which is 0:00 on the 25th Beijing time,Will increase the shipping methods of Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, if there are other countries that need to be added, please leave your comments.
Due to particularity of XINGBAO 05002, LEJI 1881, it does not participate in this discount,All orders will be shipped after February 8th,Because of the old website, some people placed orders and didn’t pay, although I closed the shipping method, but they can still pay, which will lead to a possible shortage of inventory,We will cancel orders that are out of stock.
Coupon Code:NewHiTian
Having trouble creating an account, can you verify this is working?
can you try again?what error does it show?
ok now
I was able to make my account! Thank you so much!
Please add shipping option Hungary.
Please add shipping to Belgium.
please add shipping methods to norway if you have the possibility <3